Iu2019ve battled depression and anxiety for most of my life. And Iu2019ve tried everything under the sun. Includingu2026All the things people typically suggest:Go out for a hike (yeah sure - hiking felt great while youu2019re hikingu2026but no matter how many mountaintops I climbed or how many beautiful views I saw, the depression always returned).Hanging out with good friends (felt great when I was with them, but the depression always returned once everyone left and I was alone with my thoughts again).Listening to music (even the most upbeat music didnu2019t help. In some ways it actually made things worse because I knew I should be feeling happy but I wasnu2019t which made me even more depressed)Working out/ Exercise - I felt a little bit better when I was working out but trust me, it didnu2019t last. The negative thoughts and depression always returned.Therapy - I tried therapy for years and therapy is good in the sense that it gives you a topographical view of what youu2019re battling but it doesnu2019t actually change the depression. You just understand it better.The truth isu2026I honestly thought that this weight of sadness was just something I was just gonna have to carry for the rest of my life.And I was super big I was 265lbs (which did not help my depression one bit) and I was trying all these bullshit diets. Nothing seemed to work.A FEW WORDS ABOUT DEPRESSION FROM SOMEONE WHOu2019S BATTLED IT FOR DECADESu2026Let me just say this about depression, for anyone on the outside looking in who doesnu2019t understand it:When you are battling depression, itu2019s very difficult to articulate all of your feelings. And frankly, itu2019s embarrassing because you see all these people around you that all seem to be chasing butteflies and meanwhile youu2019re thinking about how pointless it all is. How do you articulate the pain of just existing to your fucking Aunt who you havenu2019t seen in 2 decades whou2019s like u201chey are you okay? You seem tired.u201dYou feel trapped in a never ending loop of negative thought. And to be honest, talking about it doesn't always help and talking about it with friends can be especially hit or miss. Because when youu2019re depressed, you feel like at any moment you might just explode into a volcano of tears because you have this giant swirling universe of sadness swimming around inside of you.And the worst part is: youu2019re in it alone.You feel like no one understands. And thatu2019s what makes the whole Goddamn thing so unbearable in my opinion.And the times you do try to reach out to friends and family- and obviously you donu2019t come right out and say all the stuff youu2019re dealing with - but you test the waters and say something like...u201cyeah Iu2019m not doing so great. My mom just died. My parents are dead. My career is going no where. Most of my the people I would call my friends in this circus of an industry are self-centered narcissists. Iu2019m not doing that awesome.u201dAnd youu2019ll get resposnes like u201cHey man thatu2019s too bad. But Iu2019m sure itu2019ll all work out. Hey by the way did you see the Cardinals game last night?u201d Cue the fake slap on the shoulder.I remember I had one friend, and this was someone who I thought was a good friend, who called me up after my mom died. And I thought u201cOh wow thatu2019s nice heu2019s calling to check up on me. Thatu2019s really nice of him.u201dAnd Iu2019m not gonna lie, I was in a bad fucking spot.And heu2019s like u201cHey man, why do you sound so down.u201dIu2019m like u201cWell my mom diedu2026you donu2019t remember the conversation we had a month ago?u201dAnd no word of a lie he says u201cOh yeahu2026I totally forgot. Iu2019m so sorry man. Hey by the way you wanna buy some weed?u201dJust completely out of the blue. I mean Christ I didnu2019t even know he was selling weed at this point in his life. Nor do I myself even smoke weed which made the whole thing even more bizarre (and crushing). But itu2019s things like that that make people who are depressed, withdraw. And things like that just add on to the already heavy dog pile of hurt.So when you have this indescribable universe of saddness swirling around inside of you. And itu2019s completely hijacked your thoughts. You look around and no one seems to care. And if you do take a chance and tell people about it, you immediately feel judged or itu2019s immediately dismissed as being u201call in your head.u201dI mean seriously, are you starting to get the picture now why someone whou2019s battling depression has thoughts of killing themselves? Itu2019s not suicide as much as it is a euthanasia.So you withdraw. Itu2019s not about pushing people away as much as it is about mitigating pain.Yes 100% people who are depressed need to reach out. 100% true. But all of us have to get better at reading inbetween the fucking lines. You canu2019t just sit there waiting for someone depressed to come to over to you holding up a neon sign that says u201chey Iu2019m really fucking sad and Iu2019m thinking of killing myself.u201dWe all need to remove ourselves from our overly self-important lives and actually reach out to someone who is depressed and withdrawing in our lives.Because chances theyu2019re really in a bad spot. And if you have a friend like that who seems particularly withdrawnu2026donu2019t text them. Donu2019t DM them.Fucking call them.Call them and ask them how theyu2019re doing and really mean it.And then?And then just listen. Just listen and be there. Just let them know that theyu2019re not in the middle of that sad swirling fucking universe all by themselves. Doesnu2019t sound like much but trust me, thatu2019s a major major major step in the right direction.WHAT *FINALLY* TURNED THE TIDE AGAINST MY BATTLE WITH DEPRESSION AND ANXIETYThis sounds like complete horseshit but itu2019s the honest to God truth: I CHANGED MY DIET.I changed my sugar intake to under 20g a day and my net carbs to under 40g. Itu2019s called the KETOGENIC DIET.And within 1 week, I immediately felt a difference in my thoughts. Iu2019m not saying the negative thoughts went away immediately but after 1 week my depression and anxiety had lessened considerably. Like I said, they were still there but they didnu2019t seem as strong. So I stayed on the diet. And everyday:I KEPT MY SUGAR LOW: Keep it under 20g a day.I KEPT MY NET CARBS LOW. Keep them under 40g a day.I DRANK WATER. No diet soda. No alcohol.And if youu2019re out there reading this, donu2019t kid yourself into thinking that diet soda is healthy. Not only is it making you fatter but itu2019s actually causing a huge overgrowth of u2018bad bacteriau2025 in your gut, which in turn is also making your depression worse.I can admit from the outside looking in, that this all sounds like pie-in-the-sky bullshit that my depression and anxiety magically disappeared by lowering my sugar and carbs but Iu2019m telling you, that was EXACTLY what happened when I maintained a diet of low sugar and low carbs. Because Iu2019m telling you, there really is a way out.If you are depressed, listen to me. Before you go on any medication, first try lowering your sugar and carb intake. And do it for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.Look into:Intermittent FastingandThe Ketogenic Diet.I put together this quick tutorial video on how to do Intermittent Fasting. Itu2019s about 10 minutes long. I swear this is not some bullshit sales pitch. I donu2019t make one dime off any of this. Just honest advice and showing you how I got from point A to point B.andI also put together a quick tutorial on how to keep your sugar and carbs low (aka The Ketogenic Diet). Again, Iu2019m not selling anything here. Just showing you a step-by-step guide on how to do this stuff.If youu2019re battling depression just give it a few weeks. I promise you it will get better.Itu2019s like riding a freight elevator up from hell. Itu2019s slow but trust me, you will get there. And at some point youu2019re gonna see that youu2019re actually above your depression and anxiety looking down over it. Does that make sense?And once youu2019re above it. Not only will you have better perspective on it but youu2019ll actually be able can control it. Youu2019ll actually be able to dismiss all of those negative thoughts away like you couldnu2019t before.Iu2019m telling youu2026there really is something about how low sugar, lowers the volume on depression and negative thoughts. You can get a grip on these things verses the other way around.But make no qualms about it: Sugar 100% exacerbates depression and anxiety. Joe Rogan and his guest talk about the science behind it is here. Watch it. It will open your eyes in a major way:No industry is going to come out and say any of this because if they did, think about all the money that would be lost.Think about all the sugar-filled products that no one would buy.Think about all the companies that would go out of business.Think about all those people working in those factories who would suddenly be out of work.Think about all the pharmaceutical companies selling their anti-depression pills, or anti-anxiety pills, that would all go belly up because hardly anyone would need them. Not to mention hardly anyone would have diabetes or heart disease.I donu2019t wanna get too far in the weeds on this but Iu2019m just saying, take a step back and realize that somebody out there is making a shit-ton of money keeping you fat, sad, and depressed.So thatu2019s the lie they keep telling you. Calories in vs calories out.u2018Sure you can eat that chocolate chip double fudge brownie sundae on a honey dipped fried donut covered in chocolate sauce- just do it in moderation.u2019Great.Why donu2019t you just tell me to shoot up heroin in moderation while youu2019re at it.Hereu2019s the bottom line: We werenu2019t designed to take in all this sugar. You canu2019t just eat all this sugar everyday and think you can just lift some weights and you should be fine. Our bodies werenu2019t designed to take in all of this sugar. All this constant sugar affects your mind.Look Iu2019m not selling anything. I have no agenda. Iu2019m just telling you what I wish somebody would have told me years ago: If youu2019re depressed, try keeping your sugar and carbs low. Try it for 2 weeks and see if the depression lessens and if you start to feel good (and I know you will) - KEEP GOING! Donu2019t stop!!And then if you feel like having a cheat day. Try it. See how you feel. Then go back to eating low sugar and low carbs.Iu2019ve been on the KETO diet and intermittent fasting for 6 months now. And I feel fantastic. I actually feel the best Iu2019ve ever felt in my life. And when the negative thoughts come pop in, which is rare, they are so easy to dismiss and just move on with the rest of your day.And when it comes to food, there are some foods I just wonu2019t eat because I feel fucking horrible and depressed afterwards.Iu2019ve battled depression and anxiety for years and Iu2019m just telling you, there is a way out.Again, Iu2019m not selling any products or any bullshit ebook. Iu2019m just reaching out because I know first hand how difficult depression and anxiety can be and I just wanna share with you what worked for me in the hopes that maybe it will work for you too. You can see all my step-by-step guides here on youtube KETO FerrettiIf you have any questions Iu2019m here. And if youu2019re depressed and feel alone, DM me *anytime* to chat.Cheers from NYC,Chris