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Schedule m-2 negative retained earnings Form: What You Should Know

On Form 1120-S, page 24, the amount of adjustments to the AAA is included as follows: The Amount of Adjustments (1120S-US-1): Notice the “Other.” If the other adjustments are: a. For an accruing corporation, or accrual that starts on or after October 17, 2025 (and before that if the corporation was an IRA, or for one of the cases noted above — AFFILIATED) — the total amount of accruing adjustments must be a multiple of the accumulated earnings, less the accumulated earnings plus interest, if any. This can be done with the following example: Exclusion on accruing adjustments for a corporation having accrual, which starts before October 17, 2022, Amount of Adjustments (1120S-US-1):  Here's a different example: A corporation with a taxable income of 100,000 pays 1,000 in tax for the year. The corporation has income taxes for the year of 75,000. Therefore, the corporation must allocate 10,000 to its income tax, and 2,000 to its interest and penalties. The corporation has an accumulated earnings balance of 125,000, and if the corporation had no interest or penalty accumulated during the year, an adjusted accumulated balance of just 2,000. Therefore, the amount of accumulated interest and penalties allocated to income tax is 60,000 – 2,000. If there is interest and penalties that were accumulated during the year the amount is 40,000 – 60,000. If the other adjustments are shown to be a multiple of the accumulated earnings, then the corporation will allocate an amount to each adjusted accumulated balance that is equal to the accumulated adjustments divided by the accumulated earnings. For example, if the corporation's adjusted accumulative earnings account balance is 100,000, and its accumulated accrual adjustments balance is 30,000, then the corporation would have a combined accumulated adjustment account balance of 50,000, and it would divide 30,000 by 100,000 to get 2,000. The corporation would then allocate 2,000 to its adjusted accumulated accumulation differences balance and 5,000 to the other accumulated accumulation adjustments balances.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Schedule m-2 negative retained earnings

Instructions and Help about Schedule m-2 negative retained earnings

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